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May 2009 Results

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:31 pm
by Benjamin
Congratulations to Cantinflas, our newest 2-time champion!

1. Cantinflas 236
2. Fluffhead 204
3. MyCoolNicknameIsTheVeryLongest 204
4. brettfan 119
5. brettfan2 103
6. PFCats 100
7. PFRats 100
8. PFBats 100
9. PFSpats 100
10. PFFrogs 100
11. PFToads 100
12. PFBees 100
13. PFWasps 100
14. PFMice 100
15. PFSnakes 100
16. PFLizards 100
17. PFScorpions 100
18. PFSpiders 100
19. PFPigs 100
20. PFSheep 100
21. SwineFlu 100
22. PFFish 100
23. PFGnats 100
24. PFWhales 100
25. PFZebras 100
26. PFUnicorns 100
27. PFDragons 100
28. PFLions 100
29. PFTigers 100
30. PFBears 100
31. DarkStarCrashes 100
32. PouringItsLightIntoAshes 100
33. PFHorses 100
34. ReasonTatters 100
35. PFDogs 100
36. TheForcesTearLooseFromTheAxis 100
37. dee^dee 31
38. shaz 29
39. WhisperingWords 25
40. viKingchiK 23
41. SunsetBeauty1 21
42. warrior04 19
43. Buds 8
44. chickenofthesea 6
45. Sulu 2
46. royalsfan 2
47. ^Mama 2
48. Supercalifragilisticexpialidoc 2
49. checkers 1
50. BFShark 1
51. Emptines_Filling_Me 1
52. Ein 1
53. Chaponos 1