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Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:11 pm
by 4einc
well ya know once a month I tend to check the UFL site and see if anything new is on the message board... I'm excited to hear that something maybe happening with it as I think my league was all but dead as of late, but perhaps this is the "fresh breath" that it needs.

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:04 pm
by WordsBG
Just pushed a beta of a GUI into Git (and added Bianries for Windows again)
It's pretty much just a GUI Version of the Console Thing I already posted, which means the Play Selection kinda sucks (I'm probably gonna do something like it is in UFL 2 again, as it's just faster than navigating through the Menus). Also, while it runs on Windows, it seems to have various bugs when rendering (no Theme, Image looks wrong if you don't run Classic Mode, etc.). I'll fix those when I give it a proper design (soon).

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:59 am
by Benjamin
Looks interesting! I look forward to seeing more!

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:54 pm
by lightningbolt82
Hey there I never posted here before but love the UFL game, just wondering WordsBG if you do create a new version what kind of things can we expect? What things are possible? Can we give suggestions?

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:42 pm
by WordsBG
Well at the moment the play is pretty much to get the Engine up to a point I can expand upon (ie integrating penalties, injuries, weather, coin toss and some AI aspects that I didn't solve too well previously on the top of my head). Then there's all the interface work (which will be more obvious changes), which includes Team/Player Generators and the whole League Management. After the foundation is a bit more solid I think I can implement other features. So I guess you can just throw your suggestions in the Wishbox for now, except if they concern things that are already implemented, in which case you should post them here, so I can fix/implement changes early on.

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:03 pm
by budman

I came across UFL web site doing a search on football games.
I haven't tried UFL yet, planning to give it a go this weekend (if it runs under Wine).
I dropped Windows from my home PC's back in 98, been on Linux ever since.

I started programming many years ago (since the early-80's) beginning on the C=64 and C=128 then to the PC for QBasic, BasicPDS, VBDOS, and Visual Basic 2, 3, 4, 5 with Desaware's Spyworks to get callbacks in VB. When VB6 toasted my system with IE4.x, I gave up and moved on to Perl, which I still program heavily in today.

If you need help deciphering the VB code, I can offer assistance.
I think I still have my VB5 and VB6 disks around somewhere. :)

If you wouldn't mind, I would love to port it Linux using something like Glade or Gambas which is almost a VB clone under Linux.
I played many stat games growing up (Strat-O-Matic Football/Baseball, Statis-Pro Football/Baseball/Basketball, ABPA baseball).


Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:14 pm
by WordsBG
budman wrote:If you need help deciphering the VB code, I can offer assistance.
I think I still have my VB5 and VB6 disks around somewhere. :)
I can't speak for all the people who tried their luck, but the Problem for me personally was less the deciphering of the VB source, but more the fact that the design of the code is not very welcoming. It uses various Magic Numbers, no commenting whatsoever. Also the design is anything but clean imho. It's deciverable, but it's hard to change, because it's hard to tell what effect a change has on the simulator as a whole.
budman wrote:If you wouldn't mind, I would love to port it Linux using something like Glade or Gambas which is almost a VB clone under Linux.
I played many stat games growing up (Strat-O-Matic Football/Baseball, Statis-Pro Football/Baseball/Basketball, ABPA baseball).
If you use Linux and you know some C++, you could also take a look at my source files on github. It's still a work in progress, but I'd be happy for any contribution.

Also as a status report: I haven't gotten any work done on it the past week because I've been down with the flu and I doubt that I can't get too much done in the following week, because I'll have a lot of catching up to do with school as it is. I'm still going to develop this further, so stay tuned.

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:36 am
by Benjamin

I just sent you an email with the UFL source code. Let me know if there's anything you can do with it!


Would it be possible for you to post the Windows binaries for Ten Yard Football? I hope you feel better!

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:08 am
by WordsBG
Sorry, haven't checked in for a while. I'll post Windows binaries as soon as I get it to compile under Visual C++ properly. Cross Compiling for Windows using GCC really kinda sucks. It produces quite a big file (like 20x that of Linux or so), uses unnecessary dependencies to cygwin and I'm always having issues compiling wxWidgets (GUI Toolkit) and the XMLReader I was using into it. I'll start doing that this week. At least soon I'll have holidays from school and work, which will give me a lot more time to work on this than I previously had.

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:40 pm
by 4einc
I know it's been a while since I posted on here as I tend to bounce on here rather frequently and although I haven't posted don't think that I don't watch the boards, I know I'm just the "average user" but Words may I say that you got my excited at the thought of there possibly being a new version of UFL.. I very well may download your latest stuff and check it out for myself... I know football has been kinda a "light switch" ordeal with me one minute it's on and the next it's off but I've always been a HUGE fan of UFL I remember coming across it and I still keep this in my bookmarks... man I'm so excited I think I'll be making a phone call to all my owners of baseball and basketball to let'em know that we maybe up for some football this year...

- Shane -

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:11 pm
by buckeyesfan10
I just came across the UFL simulator about a month ago and I think it is amazing! I am so excited that a UFL 3.0 could be coming! :D

Re: Possible UFL 3.0 On The Horizon

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:02 pm
by Benjamin
buckeyesfan10 wrote:I just came across the UFL simulator about a month ago and I think it is amazing! I am so excited that a UFL 3.0 could be coming! :D
I am glad that you are enjoying UFL! Even though I don't post here or update the UFL website as often as I should, I am still very active as a UFL player, with 32 leagues that I coach in. Unfortunately, the possibility of a UFL 3.0 is still up in the air. I have been unable to locate a programmer who is willing to perform updates to the game. Occasionally, I'll get an email from someone who wants to tackle the source code, but 99% of the time I do not receive a reply after I send them the source code. That's not surprising because it is a difficult piece of code to jump into and change around, even for an experienced programmer. I believe that it would take hours of code reading just to learn how it works before any changes could even be considered. All of that being said, I am always on the lookout for a potential programmer on the internet and in person. The plea for a programmer will continue to be the top news item on the UFL website until a programmer is found. I've been playing UFL for over 15 years, and I won't be quitting anytime soon, so I intend to keep the search going as long as necessary.