Anybody out there?

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Anybody out there?

Post by sfladmin »

Well sadly it looks like I found a great thing to late. I've spent the past year or so hunting for a text based (US) football sim. each time something that looked good turned out to be total crap! Somehow I stumble across the UFL and after 10 seasons of solo play I was hooked. The version I'm running, no idea what that is, has it's bugs but still the best out there! I just started my own on-line league with it. If anybodys still out there with a love of UFL and online fantasy sports check us out at

Otherwise thanks to those who made the UFL possible, the SFL is keeping the UFL legacy alive!
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Re: Anybody out there?

Post by 4einc »


UFL is a great sim I use it to run mine ( as mine has been gaining so much in population I had to go out and buy a .info for it (plus it was only $1 to do so) anyways aside from that do us a favor and post the direct link (not the I say that cause I was unaware of it as I use to use and still do use links but apparently it causes firefox to lock up at times perhaps it's just the overflow of popups as your on geocities (like it matters cause I'm on bravehost) but perhaps more people (like myself) would get the chance to check out your stuff...

If your interested in link swapping I'm sure something can be worked out....

- Shane
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Re: Anybody out there?

Post by Benjamin »

Welcome to the world of UFL football, sfladmin! I'm glad that you are enjoying the game. UFL is here to stay, but we are always looking for a VB6 programmer to help improve the game. I have put a link to your site on the main UFL site. LOL at the Cadavers and the Hookers. :)
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