The schedules are pretty poorly imbalanced

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The schedules are pretty poorly imbalanced

Post by Nugget699 »

As the title says really. If you look at the 30-team schedules as an example (which has six divisions of 5 teams):

- You play home and away against all the teams in your division (8 games)
- One home game or one away game against two opponents in the two divisions within your conference (4 games)
- One home game or one away game against two opponents in the same aligned divisions in the other conference - So say the top division will play the other top division, the middle division plays the other middle division etc. (2 games)
- Either one home game or one away game against one opponent from the remaining two divisions in the other conference (2 games)

That in itself is balanced and I can handle that, but if look at the standings page, the top-left division will *always* be home to one team from the bottom right division and always away from home against the middle-right division; which is silly.

Can we edit those .SEA files, so that the teams play the opposite in the "S2T30" file?
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