A couple of comments and thoughts for the future: the season records feature doesn't seem to work properly - is it just my copy or has anyone else encountered this? Also, I've had problems where an injury which should have ruled someone out for a couple of quarters has ended the player's season. Again, is this normal?
Now, a couple of thoughts for the future: how difficult would it be to add a "career stats" option, where coaches could see for example the league's all-time rushing leaders, and similarly career stats listed by team? Another option I would quite like to see is a slightly enhanced draft option, where coaches would have the option to draft players of their own choice - and as a nice final touch, a note of which colleges players attended. This is a major feature in the NFL, and would certainly add to the realism of the game.
This forum is awfully quiet! Come on, UFL RULES! Let's pick it up a little!!!